Friday, September 18, 2009

I Am A Black Belt!

Today I am a black belt.
I passed my test.
I have been in Tae Kwon Do for four years and 1/2 month.

I started the summer before kindergarten. I am now in Fourth grade.
I only took one summer off. It was worth it.

I am so excited and proud!


  1. Keegan, I am soooooo proud of you. I wished I could have seen you. You have worked hard and deserve your black belt. I have watched you test many times and with each belt you earned, you grew stronger and more confident. I remember the first time I watched you test. You had to do push ups on your knuckles and you had a hard time, the last time I watched you test, you did them with ease as you did with your patterns and board breaking. I can't believe how much you have changed and grown. Your are fast becoming a young man.

  2. I am a stranger, but read your moms blog and wanted to stop by and say well done. x

  3. Holy Moly! You broke those boards? I can't believe it! What an achievement your black belt must be. I don't know much about the sport, but I know that TKD has a huge discipline component to it. That's a great life-long-skill you are developing. Way to Go!

  4. I read about this awesome accomplishment on your mom's blog. I wanted to congratulate you myself.

    Way to go!!!

  5. Keegan,


    You complished something very special and I know because I'm 44 and my belt color is green. So I still need a whole lot of training before I can think about a black belt.

    Bye, Elizabeth

  6. I'm so proud of you Buddy. Keep being who you are, you are one of a kind. I also had a great weekend with you. Happy Birthday!!!

